Schedule a Meeting in Teams – Step by Step

This is a step-by-step guide for scheduling a video meeting in Microsoft Teams. If you have not already, download Microsoft teams from using your email address. Your email gives you free access to the Microsoft 365 suite of tools including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, etc. Please note, if you use Windows 10 or Windows 11, you may have Microsoft Teams already install on your computer. You will still need to download it from your account because this is the Teams for Education version.

Clicking illustrations will open them in a larger view so they are easier to read.

Step 1: Open the app and login

Open the app from your computer and login with your email address.

Step 2: Click on calendar

Click on Calendar on the left side of the Teams app. If you do not see calendar, click on the 3 dots (highlighted by a red box in the illustration below) and then click on calendar.

Step 3: Click New Meeting

At the top right of the Teams app, click on New Meeting

Step 4: Schedule a meeting

Enter your email details including the emails of those you are inviting to the meeting and then click send:

  1. Meeting Title
  2. Emails of those you want to invite
  3. Meeting Time
  4. A personalized message to your guests
  5. Click send to schedule the meeting.

How to view your meeting details

Click on calendar in the left menu and then double click on your meeting to view details.

Editing your meeting

When you double click on a meeting in the calendar, you can edit the details or cancel the meeting. This is a good way to add additional attendees to your meeting when needed.

Joining the meeting

To join a meeting:

  1. Single click the meeting in your calendar view
  2. Click Join
  3. EXTRA: You can start a chat with the participants of your meeting anytime before and after the meeting.

Joining the meeting (part 2)

A window will pop up to allow you to setup your audio and video for the meeting.

  1. Make sure your camera is turned on
  2. Make sure your speakers and mic are working
  3. Join the meeting
  4. EXTRA: You can find additional settings for your video/audio/meeting setup under the cog wheel.

Chat during a meeting

  1. Click Chat
  2. Enter and send your message
  3. View the message that was sent

Translate chat messages during a meeting

  1. Hover over the message and click the 3 dots menu
  2. Click translate to translate the message

Recording the meeting

Any meeting you record will be available in the chat area for the meeting after the meeting has concluded. Be sure to ask for participants permission to record meetings.

  1. Click the More three dots menu
  2. Select Record and transcibe
  3. Select Start recording

After the meeting

After you meeting has concluded, a meeting review/chat area will automatically be created with any recordings, chat messages, and an attendance report of the meeting.

  1. Click chat in the left menu
  2. Select the title of your meeting in the conversation window
  3. View the attendance report and any other details about your meeting

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