TCM International Institute conducted its first graduation ceremony in 1995 with eight graduates.  To date, 754 students have graduated from TCM and 46 graduates in 2020. The number of lives touched by TCM graduates cannot be counted as one life and witness touches another in the never-ending ripple that is started in TCM’s ministry to Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Where in the world are TCM graduates? Students from 36 countries now study at TCM, some at Haus Edelweiss and some at our in-country locations. Our graduates are scattered  throughout many more countries and on at least four continents fulfilling The Great Commission of Christ.

What in the world are TCM graduates doing? Most are Christian leaders in local churches in their communities.  TCM graduates are serving as pastors and teachers to all age groups. Many have gone on to complete Ph.D. programs and are teaching in seminaries and theological institutes. Several are now teaching TCM courses. Graduates are serving as directors of orphanages, youth leaders, church planters, workers with the disabled, day care teachers, Trans World Radio station managers, missionaries, Christian musicians, and in many more areas where they can shine the light of Christ into dark places of this world. Many are partnering and collaborating with one another on joint projects that go beyond their borders. One hundred percent of TCM graduates continue to either be gainfully employed or are volunteers in Christian service.

Our graduate surveys each year have the recurring theme — Thank You, for carrying out The Great Commission.

“Studying at TCM was a really great experience. I’m thankful for professors who can set our hearts on fire for serving Christ in different areas where the church works.”

M.Div. graduate

“Thanks to all who took part in support of my training. Thanks to my teachers who taught me to look at the Bible, the world, and service wider and deeper than I had before.” 

M.A. graduate

“This has been one of the blessings of my life!” 

Certificate graduate