As of the 2020 Academic Year.

No subsequent courses may be taken until the student has paid any outstanding (past due) fee or reimbursement. These student fees and payments apply to all credit students, no matter their year of admission.

United States of America Fee Model

Payment ModeFeeCredit Hours
Per Year Payment$375012
Per Class Payment$15003

All prices include the registration fee.

Europe, Asia, Africa – Fees and Penalties

Students Country of CitizenshipStudent Course Registration Fee*Audit Course Registration Fee**Late Cancellation Fee***
Albania35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Armenia25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Austria120 EUR120 EUR120 EUR
Azerbaijan25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Belarus35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Bulgaria35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Croatia45 EUR45 EUR45 EUR
Czech Republic45 EUR45 EUR45 EUR
Estonia35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Georgia25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Germany120 EUR120 EUR120 EUR
Hungary45 EUR45 EUR45 EUR
Italy120 EUR120 EUR120 EUR
Kazakhstan25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Kenya45 EUR45 EUR45 EUR
Kyrgyzstan25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Latvia35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Liberia25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Lithuania35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Macedonia35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Moldova35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Poland45 EUR45 EUR45 EUR
Romania35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Russia35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Serbia35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Slovakia45 EUR45 EUR45 EUR
Spain120 EUR120 EUR120 EUR
Switzerland120 EUR120 EUR120 EUR
Tajikistan25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Turkey35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Turkmenistan25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR
Ukraine35 EUR35 EUR35 EUR
Uzbekistan25 EUR25 EUR25 EUR

*Student Course Registration Fees (CRF) – charged upon registration confirmation.

**Audit Course Registration Fee (for non-TCM students) – charged upon registration confirmation.

***Late Cancellation Fee – charged upon late cancellation request.

Late Cancellation Fee

Students and Audits may cancel course registration during the first month of each course without a penalty. A late cancellation fee is applied to the account for cancellations during the second and third months of the class. The fee is equal to the Student Course Registration Fee (CRF).

Payment Methods

Payments can be made at the Mentoring Center, via PayPal, or by wire transfer to the TCM International Institute bank account:

PayPal payments are initiated directly from the SMS(student management system).

Payment Reference (explanation): Student Name (Last, First) & course number and title.

Bank: Sparkasse (Baden, Austria)
IBAN: AT942020500700160104

Tuition Refund Policy

TCM International Institute strives to develop instructional materials and a program that will be completely satisfactory to the students who enroll with us. However, TCM recognizes the occasional necessity for students to withdraw for a variety of valid reasons. TCM acknowledges that a refund policy must be reasonable and equitable for both the student and the Institute. The purpose of the policy is to enable students to make necessary adjustments near the beginning of a course without undue penalty. In the event a student withdraws from a TCM course, the following refund policy will apply.

  1. No refund will be made after five (5) business days for an Application Fee.
  2. A student may withdraw from a course as long as the course status is “In Progress.”
    1. You may cancel a course enrollment within 10 business days after the first day of the electronic course session. If you cancel a course during this time, you will be given a complete refund of all tuition paid. Communication of cancellation may be made by submitting a cancellation request on the registration page.
    2. From eleven (11) business days and up to twenty (20) business days from the date of course start, you may request to withdraw from a course and be refunded 50% of the tuition paid.
    3. If a request for a course withdrawal is made after twenty-one (21) days from the course’s start, no refund will be given.
  3. If tuition has been paid by a third party, the same refund policy will apply unless the third party chooses to apply the unused tuition funds to another TCM student.