Access to electronic resources requires log in. Use your Microsoft account to access TCM electronic resources and your library account. The library account allows the user to review history, save searches, request new items for purchase and make lists for bibliographies. Log in is not required to search the catalog.
Logins and Passwords for the Resources in Student Languages are available on Moodle in the TCM Library Resources course.
To find electronic resources, limit your search (the box to the right of the search box) to “Electronic Resources” holdings only. When the desired resource is found, use the blue hyperlink “Click for online access”.
Below are additional electronic resources not found in the Library Catalog. These can be accessed in the “Key Links” area in the Catalog.
How to Find eBooks and Audiobooks
Find the desired eBook or audiobook by searching the Catalog by title, author, subject or series. EBooks have prefixes according to the provider or collection: EBSCO, CREDO (Credo Reference) PROQUEST (ProQuest) and WEB (Open access resources) before the call number (for example, EBSCO 220.3 T57 2006).
How to Find Resources in Student Languages
Online resources are available in Russian, Bulgarian and Romanian.
How to Find eJournals and Journal Articles
Articles can not be searched for in the TCM Library Catalog. They are individually indexed in electronic databases and can be searched for by search terms on the respective platforms. Some collections have the full text of the articles. Those that do not are called “index databases”. You can print, download or email journal articles to yourself.
If you find an article you need, but cannot get the full text from the index, you can request the article by sending an email to [email protected] or filling out the contact form.
How to Find Theses and Dissertations
Theses and dissertations are very valuable resources for scholarly researchers. Even if a thesis or dissertation does not exactly match your topic, it can be helpful in your future research efforts.