Searching the Catalog
User authentication is not required to search the Library Catalog. However, access to electronic resources requires log in. Use your Microsoft account to access TCM electronic resources and your library account. The library account allows the user to review history, save searches, request new items for purchase, make lists for bibliographies, and check out or place a hold on items that are checked out (at Haus Edelweiss).
The Catalog contains most of the resources in the Library, including print and electronic books, theses and project reports, audio-visual, and media materials.
When searching the Catalog, enter a keyword or author in the search box. All titles of the library resources can be searched in national languages.
Searches may be limited to “TCM Library, Haus Edelweiss” holdings or to “TCM Library, Electronic Resources” in the box to the right of the search box.
Below are additional electronic resources not found in the Library Catalog. These can be accessed in the “Key Links” area in the Catalog.