Professional Development

Here you will find articles, links, video’s and other resources to help you as a professor. Feel free to add what you find as well.

  1. Faculty Focus – a free series of articles which focus on teaching and learning.
  2. Open Education Resources – this article will provide you will places where you can access OER for your research and your classes.
  3. Open Access Digital Theological Library – this site provides you with a search capability for books, articles, journals, and databases.
  4. Improving Online Teaching – Bryan Alexander leads online Forums on a variety of topics, some of which like this one focus on online teaching.
  5. Engaging Learners in FORUMS– Practical suggestions for learner engagement in FORUMS.
  6. Learner Interactions Online – Practical ideas from The Ohio State University’s Teaching and Learning Resource Center.
  7. The Faculty Lounge – Helpful tips for teaching from Harvard Business Publishing.

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